Wed, 20 Dec
SW*IP CH General Assembly
Time & Location
20 Dec 2023, 18:15 – 20:00
About the Event
Join us for the SW*IP CH General Assembly on the 20th of December, 2023 at 18:15, via Zoom.
https://unilu.zoom.us/j/69249004861?pwd=TVU5MkR3YlNFNUVyQnRadmVmZnBUQT09 Meeting ID: 692 4900 4861 Passcode: 496637
The general assembly is an important yearly meeting and we encourage all of our members to join as we will elect the board, approve the budget, and determine our shared goals and projects for 2024. Prospective, non-members are also welcome to join and give us their input; however, they cannot vote.
We are actively looking and in need of members at any level of work or study (BA/MA/PhD/PostDocs/Profs) to 1) organize projects, 2) assist and contribute to the administrative work necessary to sustain SW*IP CH, as well as 3) to join the executive board, particularly the positions of Treasurer and Clerk. If you have any questions or are interested please contact us!
Please send us an email at info@swipswitzerland.org to receive access to the agenda if you have not already received a copy.